Reclaim the gift of inner freedom
- found in each breath you take!

4 WEEKS of Daily Practice
✔ Daily Self Practice and Evening Meditation
✔ Micropractices and inspiring talks
✔ High quality video material
✔ LIFETIME ACCESS to all the materials!
✔ MOBILE APP feature to watch 'on-the-go'!

✔ 50h YACEP - Yoga Alliance Continuing Education points are available for yoga teachers who wish to enhance their personal practice with new knowledge.

✔ Private Support Group and Global Sangha to meet Surya and other likeminded practitioners
✔ Levels of Consciousness explained
✔ 5 Tibetan Rites
✔ Supportive reading material

How is Traditional Kundalini Yoga different?
Kundalini yoga is highly effective as it combines dynamic movement, asana, breathwork, mantra, mudra, and bandha to activate the enlivening life force.
We integrate fast moving postures with deep meditative practices and visualisation to balance the upward-moving energy with the grounding, downward moving energy.

How will I feel?
You’ll experience the uplifting effects of Kundalini Yoga right away. It's a feeling a profound sense of balance that nothing can disrupt.
The practice enhances lung capacity and strengthens the nervous system, infusing vitality and willpower into daily life.
Kundalini purifies thoughts and emotions, awakening intuition and sharpening decision-making. As a result, you’ll feel elevated, centered, and grounded.

Who is it for?
Traditional Kundalini Yoga is ideal for anyone seeking to enhance their well-being and elevate their consciousness.
If you're looking to break free from negative habits, boost vitality, and make more meaningful decisions, Kundalini Yoga could be the path for you.
It’s for those ready to release conditioned mental patterns and experience a new level of mental clarity.
Traditional Kundalini Yoga originates from the Himalayan Mountains, where the Yogis and Sages practiced yoga and meditation techniques in a systematic approach. This ancient tradition has no formal name and is not tied to any institutions or religions. It has been passed down through generations, from teacher to disciple, since the Vedic period.
Traditional Kundalini Yoga combines the practice of the Tantras, the wisdom of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and the specific instructions passed by a long lane of yoga masters. Practices has been mentioned in scriptures like Yoga Kundalini Upanishad and Hatha Yoga Pradipika, with some roots in Shaiva Tantra and Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. This tradition has been represented by renowned teachers such as Swami Rama, Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Sri Yukteswar and Mahavatar Babaji.
The ancient Yogis discovered that the secret for higher consciousness is intimately linked with breath mastery.
Yogis learned to accurately channel their energy as an instrument for awakening. By redirecting their inner energies, they experienced liberation from the conditioned mind, allowing the mind to stabilize in a meditative state. This process begins to release karmic bondage and fosters the maturation of higher levels of consciousness.
"Wake! All your earthly thirsts are about to be quenched forever."
- Mahavatar Babaji
Each Module will be released independently week by week to progress gradually.
You will get access to the module 1 immediately after joining the course. Module 2 opens after one week and module 3 after two weeks and so on.
You can study ANYTIME and ANYWHERE!
If 4 weeks is not enough to complete the program, no worries! You'll have lifetime access to all the materials.

The foundation for lasting sense of happiness is hidden in the strong nervous system!
Learn techniques that help re-calibrate the nervous system, providing you with the resilience to stay grounded in times of pressure.
Through committing to our Sadhana—a daily practice—we build a sustainable and mature foundation for higher realizations.
- Learn where the practice of Traditional Kundalini Yoga is coming from
- Yoga as self discovery and liberation
- Importance of Kapalbhati and Mulabandha
- Shambavi Mudra activation
- Bring power to your practice with Khechari Mudra
- Central Channel Awareness Meditation
- Kriya to build up the Nervous system and Muladhara Chakra
- Nasagra Drishti
- BONUS: 5 Tibetan Rites

Tapas is the self-discipline that challenges you to grow.
Learn techniques that generate heat to dissolve old patterns and cultivate new habits that align with higher goals.
This module pushes you open-heartedly towards positive change and challenges the mind to meet its own limits.
Exploring your own boundaries empowers you to embrace the unfamiliar and rise to new heights with courage and joy.
- Learn how to let go of unwanted patterns in life and grow beyond attachments
- What is Kundalini and how to activate it safely?
- Willpower and heart connection
- Kriya for Tapas
- Softening Heart awareness Meditation
- Agnisar kriya - Ignite the fire

Living in self-contraction creates tension and stress, suffocating the freedom of the heart.
Learn techniques to release stagnant habits and reconnect with an open, expansive heart. This state of universal love will follow you everywhere you go.
We learn to live free from worry, irritation, tension, doubt, and anxiety. Beyond these negative states, lies a new realm of unity and oneness.
- Seat of Consciousness teaches you to open and soften into relaxed presence.
- Subtle frequency of the heart as a foundation for inner stillness
- What is Amrita Nadi - The Channel of Bliss?
- Sadhana for Atma Prema
- Activate heart and crown with Prana Uccara Meditation
- Viparita Karani Mudra

Your aura / electromagnetic field reveals where you are at.
When you feel radiant and balanced, your aura acts as a shield, protecting you from negativity and keeping your equilibrium unshakable.
A strong aura projects peaceful, calming energy, and anyone who comes into contact with it will benefit from its positive influence.
Learn techniques to stabilize and strengthen your aura, attracting high-vibrational opportunities, success, abundance, and healthy relationships into your life.
- Learn how to wake up an extra sense to create relationship with the more subtle sides of life
- BONUS: Learn what are the Levels of Consciousness
- Electromagnetic Field activation
- Powers of Murcha Pranayama
- Expand with Trataka and Linga Sanchalana Meditation
- How to continuously rise your Level of Consciousness?
"...You realise that all along there was something tremendous within you and you did not know it."
-Paramahansa Yogananda

Hi, I'm Surya!
I guide You forward in the path of Kundalini Activation, elevating you to higher levels of consciousness.
I'm a lead Yoga Teacher Trainer (E-RYT500), Kundalini Yoga Teacher (Himalayan tradition certified) and Somatic Movement Educator (MA).
For a decade, I've been elevating thousands of students to find connections to the subtle bodies as a compass for higher forms of transformation.
My yearning for Self-realisation led me to spend years seeking the Truth inside. I immersed myself in silence and solitude, seeking guidance from Mystics, Yogis and masters of Non-Duality.
Kundalini Yoga opened doors to realms that other practices never could. Awakening my Kundalini felt like a profound homecoming, allowing me to perceive the subtleties of reality from a place of deep inner silence.
It is my highest calling to guide you in restoring your body's innate intelligence and guiding you to a state of inner liberation!
Kundalini is a potent energy located at the base of the spine, often lying dormant within us. It represents our unmanifested potential, and once activated, the Shakti force rises through the spine. This powerful energy helps us transcend the limitations of the mind, revealing the realities we were once blind to."
Activating Kundalini is like recharging lifeless batteries, restoring their full function and vitality.
Much of the tension in our bodies is held subconsciously, often due to past experiences and unresolved challenges. If left unaddressed, this tension continues to recreate negative patterns and shadows in our behavior. Stagnant tension leads to stiffness, and when energy is stagnant, the temperature drops. Kundalini Yoga uses specific techniques to generate heat, warming and releasing this tension, promoting flow and vitality.
Heat has the power to transform matter and create movement. Movement, in turn, creates space, and it is this space that forms the foundation for Kundalini activation.
Kundalini should be awakened with right care, guidance and consistency. Proper preparation is essential to strengthen the nervous system, enabling it to hold the heightened energy safely. Kundalini Yoga not only builds internal fire but also develops sensitivity to prana and fosters mental clarity. Through postures, pranayama, mantras, and meditation, it prepares the body for profound internal evolution.
Kundalini is our body's natural resource, a force that can elevate our consciousness. By harnessing this energy, we can rise above personal challenges and live a more meaningful life, deeply connected to our liberated nature.

Paula Melota
Surya is a one-of-a-kind teacher, filled with vast experience and wisdom. She has guided me to connect with my true authenticity in every moment.
I now feel I have an abundance of resources to draw upon. Surya radiates a beautiful, vibrant energy that is incredibly powerful. In her magical presence, I always felt safe, seen, and supported.

Dennie van Diesen
Sometimes, you encounter someone who knows exactly how to reach you with their wisdom. This has been my experience with Surya.
As a former soldier, my challenge has been to reprogram a deeply conditioned mind. Through Surya's expertise, authenticity, and congruence, she showed me how truly transformative her approach is. And it’s not a trick—it's real!

Destinie Parisien
From the moment I met Surya, it felt as though I had known her before. Surya’s pure yet powerful energy and radiant soul make her a truly exceptional mentor, even online.
Under her guidance, I’ve experienced openings of kundalini energy, leading to clearer lungs, a calm mind, and a deeper sense of knowledge and clarity.
If you're considering this course, I wholeheartedly recommend it!