Private 1:1 transmission sessions with Surya


Private sessions helps to balance the lower densities and obstacles, which prevents you from connecting to the lasting sense of peace and tranquility. Consciousness transmission connects you with the higher truth by upgrading the vibration of your nervous system into more clear attunement. 

Surya will guide you to a place of openness, where the light of awareness can pass through you. This light will clear your electromagnetic field, assists in Kundalini Shakti to flow effortlessly and purifies the energy centres and the energy channels. 

Transmission comes from the divine source, which supports you to move beyond dualities. Step by step you grow towards living more happy, free and deeply connected to everything around you. 

Living in a natural state of awareness


After a decade of seeking the Truth inside, consciousness transmissions from awakened master finally took Surya to a place of more stable awakening, which continues to deepen. 

Living from awakened awareness brings ease and peace into everyday reality. It is like living in a natural state of simplicity and aliveness, where we are no longer attached to feelings, thoughts or desires. 

The identifications starts to soften as we allow ourselves just to be without fighting the reality. Perceptions of the objective reality changes into deeper realisations. 

Inner landscape starts to broaden and a grounded sense of awe fills the heart. When we engage lovingly from a place of simplicity, the easier the life gets. In this natural state, the searching ends as there is nothing no longer lacking.

We return to who we really are and have always been.

What happens in a transmission session?

Consciousness transmission is one of the highest form of energy work, as it comes from a stabilized higher level of consciousness. 

Surya is initiated by her master to give transmissions to support others in their journey towards higher consciousness. The transmission doesn't happen through Surya's personal self, but through her energy system being connected to the true nature of reality. 

The purpose is not to give you an unintegrated experience, but more grounded and stable refinement of the energy field, which may lead into deepening of the awakening process over time. 

Transmission session includes a discussion, self-inquiry, guidance in meditation and energy transmission. During the session Surya will tune into your energy field and the receiver doesn't need to do anything special, but to simply receive the supportive energy without expectations. When you simply remain open there is more light finding a way through you. 

You might notice changes already after one session, but the work will have greater effect when repeated. The effects of the practice can come the day after the session or you may feel subtle shifts in your energy right away.

Transmission is encouraging you to stop 'camping' in the familiar state of consciousness and softly guides you deeper into a direct experience of the real nature of the self. Your true nature is not a belief, religion or any dogma, not even spiritual - its simply a returning to your authentic nature. There is eventually nothing mystical in coming in touch with your original sense of self, that is boundless and free, and has always been there waiting for you to recognise it. 

Consciousness Transmission with Surya

90 €

  • Meeting in Zoom or in person
  • After completing the payment contact Surya to schedule the meeting: [email protected]

“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretence. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.”

― Adyashanti